
The Fervi Group, composed of Fervi and its subsidiaries Rivit S.r.l., Ri-flex Abrasives S.r.l. and Vogel-Germany GmbH &Co. is active in the supply of professional equipment mainly for the mechanical workshop, the car workshop, the joinery, the shipyard and the products included in the so-called «MRO» market (Maintenance, Repair and Operations), ie supply of equipment for maintenance and repair professionals. The Group's operations also cover the "Do it yourself" market segment, or DIY, that is to say the market for do-it-yourself products in the household and DIY sector, aimed at hobbyists and in general subjects who use Fervi tools for non-professional purposes.

Roberto Tunioli
Roberto Megna
Vice president
Guido Greco

Corporate governance

Roberto Tunioli
Roberto Megna
Vice President
Guido Greco
Gianni Lorenzoni
Independent director
Pier Paolo Caruso
Independent director
Alberto Casati
Independent director
Gian Paolo Fedrigo
Independent director
Stefano Nannucci
Gianvincenzo Lucchini
Mayor in charge
Yuri Zugolaro
Mayor in charge
Marco Michielon
Alternate auditor
Roberto Munno
Alternate auditor
PricewaterhouseCoopers SpA
Procedure for related party transactions
Internal dealing procedure
Privileged information procedure
Insider register procedure
Warrant Regulations
KID Warrant Fervi 2018-2021 (27 may 2018)
KID Warrant Fervi 2018-2021 (30 luglio 2018 - update)
KID Warrant Fervi 2018-2021 (31 october 2018 - update)
KID Warrant Fervi 2018-2021 (3 december 2018 - update)

Admission document

Warning - disclaimer

In order to access this website and the admission document, it is necessary to read and accept the information below that the reader must carefully evaluate before reading, accessing or otherwise using the information provided below. By accessing this website, you agree to be subject to the terms and conditions set forth below, and to any subsequent updates thereto.

The Admission Document referred to in this section of the website (the "Admission Document") is an Admission Document on the AIM Italia - Alternative Capital Market, a multilateral trading system organized and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A. ("AIM), of the shares (the" Shares ") of Fervi SpA (hereinafter also the" Company ") and was drawn up pursuant to the AIM Italia issuers 'regulation (" Aim Italia Issuers' Regulation "). The Admission Document and the transaction described therein do not constitute a public offer of financial instruments or an admission of financial instruments in a regulated market as defined in the Consolidated Law on Finance, by Consob Regulation no. 11971 of May 14, 1999, as subsequently amended and supplemented, and by the equivalent provisions of law and regulations applicable abroad.

The information contained in this section of the website is disseminated in application of articles 17 and 26 of the AIM Issuer Regulations.

The following information and the Admission Document are accessible only to persons who:

(a) are resident in Italy and are not domiciled or in any case currently located in the United States of America, Australia, Japan, Canada and in any other country where the dissemination of the Admission Document and / or such information requires approval of the competent local Authorities or in violation of local laws or regulations ("Other Countries"); and

(b) are not "U.S. Person "as defined in Regulation S of the United States Securities Act of 1933, as subsequently amended, nor are they acting on their behalf or for their benefit without the existence of a specific registration or specific exemption to registration provided for pursuant to the United States Securities Act and applicable law.

To "U.S. Person "in the above sense is precluded the possibility of access and download of the admission document through this website. For no reason and under no circumstances is it permitted to circulate, either directly or through third parties, the Admission Document and any other information contained in this section of the website outside Italy, particularly in the United States, Australia, Japan , in Canada or in other countries, nor is it permitted to distribute the Admission Document to a "US Person "in the sense indicated above. Failure to comply with this provision may result in a violation of the United States Securities Act or of applicable legislation in other jurisdictions.

The information contained on this website (or in any other site with which this website has hypertext links) does not constitute an offer, an invitation to offer or promotional activity in relation to the actions against any citizen or person residing in Canada, Australia, Japan or the United States of America or any other country in which such acts are not permitted in the absence of specific exemptions or authorizations from the competent authorities. The shares are not and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended or with any regulatory authority of any state or other jurisdiction of the United States of America and may not be offered or sold in the United States of America. America or, or on behalf of or for the benefit of, a US Person, in the sense indicated above, in the absence of such registration or express exemption from such fulfillment or in other countries where the offer of shares is subject to limitations according to current legislation.

To access this website, the Admission Document and any other information contained in the following pages, I declare under my full responsibility to be resident in Italy and not be domiciled or to find me currently in the United States of America, in Australia , Japan, Canada or the other countries and not to be a "US Person "as defined in Regulation S of the United States Securities Act of 1933, as subsequently amended. I confirm that I have read and accept the above conditions.

Balance sheets

Consolidated half-yearly financial report at 30 June 2019
Consolidated and annual financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2018
Consolidated half-yearly financial report at 30 June 2018
Consolidated and annual financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2017
Consolidated half-yearly financial report at 30 June 2017
Consolidated Financial Statements as at December 31, 2016 and 2015


Fervi presentation - May 2019
Fervi presentation

Financial press releases

07/03/2025 - Fervi-Gruppe: Offenlegung der eigenen Aktien
31/01/2025 - Fervi-Gruppe: Offenlegung der eigenen Aktien
28/01/2025 - Vorläufige konsolidierte Einnahmen zum 31. Dezember 2024
24/01/2025 - Fervi-Gruppe: Offenlegung der eigenen Aktien
17/01/2025 - Fervi-Gruppe: Offenlegung der eigenen Aktien
10/01/2025 - Fervi-Gruppe: Offenlegung der eigenen Aktien
27/12/2024 - Fervi-Gruppe: Offenlegung der eigenen Aktien
20/12/2024 - Fervi-Gruppe: Offenlegung der eigenen Aktien
19/12/2024 - Kalender der Unternehmensveranstaltungen für das Jahr 2025
13/12/2024 - Fervi-Gruppe: Offenlegung der eigenen Aktien
06/12/2024 - Fervi-Gruppe: Offenlegung der eigenen Aktien
29/11/2024 - Start des Aktienrückkaufprogramms
27/09/2019 - The Board of Directors approves the half year consolidated financial statement 2019
08/07/2019 - Integration of the press release of May 28, 2019
08/07/2019 - Internal Dealing Communication
03/07/2019 - Internal Dealing Communication
28/05/2019 - Increase in Share Capital and first exercise period end of the "Warrant Fervi 2018-2021"
15/05/2019 - Recognition of tax credit for IPO consultancy fees
10/05/2019 - Opening of the first exercise period of the "Fervi Warrant 2018 - 2021
07/05/2019 - Internal Dealing Communication
29/04/2019 - Communication for the bonus share issuing
19/04/2019 - Approval of the 2018 financial statements
10/04/2019 - Internal Dealing Communication
05/04/2019 - Internal Dealing Communication
04/04/2019 - Shareholders' meeting call, publication of the notice of call and filing of the draft financial statements as of 31 December 2018
26/03/2019 - Internal Dealing Communication
25/03/2019 - Start of the assignment of bonus shares with entitlement
20/03/2019 - Approval of the 2018 results of the Board
15/03/2019 - FERVI acquires 100% VOGEL GERMANY GMBH & CO KG
07/02/2019 - Preliminary consolidated revenues at 31 December 2018
01/10/2018 - Internal Dealing Communication
27/09/2018 - The Board of Directors approves the half year consolidated financial statement 2018
09/07/2018 - Preliminary consolidated revenues at 30 June 2018
28/06/2018 - FERVI acquires 40% SITGES, S.L.U. with option to purchase the remaining 60%
18/05/2018 - Approval of the 2017 financial statements
03/05/2018 - Shareholders' meeting call, publication of the notice of call and filing of the draft financial statements as of 31 December 2017
18/04/2018 - Approval of the 2017 results of the Board
27/03/2018 - First day of listing and 2018 corporate events calendar
23/03/2018 - Admission to trading on AIM Italia
20/03/2018 - Application for admission to trading on AIM Italia

Analyst coverage

16/04/2019 - Finnat Equity Research
08/10/2018 - Finnat Equity Research
14/05/2018 - Finnat Equity Research

Shareholders' meeting

Notice of call and filing of the draft financial statements as of 31 December 2018
Shareholders' meeting call, publication of the notice of call and filing of the draft financial statements as of 31 December 2018
Draft financial statements as of 31 December 2018 (First point odg)
Directors' report on the second point of the day
Proxy form
Minutes of Shareholders' Meeting
Notice of call and filing of the draft financial statements as of 31 December 2017
Draft financial statements as of 31 December 2017 (First point odg)
Directors' report on the second point of the day

Information to shareholders


For the transmission and storage of Regulated Information, the Company uses the eSarket SDIR distribution system and the STORAGE eMarket storage mechanism available at managed by Teleborsa S.r.l, with registered office at Piazza di Priscilla 4, Rome.


  N° Shares %
1979 Investimenti Srl 1.996.602 78,63
Roberto Megna 191.497 7,54
Guido Greco 51.741 2,04
Mercato 299.410 11,79
Total 2.539.250



Information obligations of Significant Shareholders

Under the AIM Italia Regulation, anyone holding at least 5% of a category of financial instruments of Fervi SpA is a "Significant Shareholder".

Exceeding the 5% threshold and achieving or exceeding (increasing or decreasing) the thresholds of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 50%, 66.6 % and 90% constitute a "Substantial Change" that must be communicated by the Significant Shareholders to Fervi SpA.

To this end, within 4 trading days, starting from the day on which the transaction involving the Substantial Change was carried out, the Significant Shareholder must notify Fervi SpA:

  1. the identity of the significant shareholders involved;
  2. the date on which Fervi SpA was informed;
  3. the date on which the Substantial Change occurred in the investments;
  4. the price, amount and category of the Fervi SpA financial instruments involved;
  5. the nature of the operation;
  6. the nature and extent of the Significant Shareholder's participation in the transaction.

The communication can be made using the attached form, sent by e-mail to and then sent in original by registered mail to: Fervi SpA, Via del Commercio 81, 41058 Vignola (MO), Italy.


28/01/2025 - Der Verwaltungsrat legt vorläufige Zahlen (Nettoeinnahmen und NFP) zum 31. Dezember 2024 vor
26/03/2025 - Genehmigung des Entwurfs des Jahresabschlusses und des konsolidierten Abschlusses zum 31. Dezember 2024 durch den Verwaltungsrat
29/04/2025 - Ordentliche Hauptversammlung zur Genehmigung des Jahresabschlusses zum 31. Dezember 2024 und Vorlage des konsolidierten Abschlusses zum 31. Dezember 2024
29/04/2025 - Verwaltungsrat: Vorläufige konsolidierte Betriebsdaten zum 31. März 2025 (Nettoumsatzerlöse und Nettofinanzposition)*
24/07/2025 - Verwaltungsrat präsentiert vorläufige Zahlen (Nettoeinnahmen und NFP) zum 30. Juni 2025
26/09/2025 - Genehmigung des Halbjahresberichts per 30. Juni 2025 durch den Verwaltungsrat unter Vorbehalt einer eingeschränkten Revision durch die Revisionsgesellschaft
28/10/2025 - Verwaltungsrat: Vorläufige konsolidierte Betriebsdaten zum 30. September 2025 (Nettoumsatzerlöse und Nettofinanzposition)*
22/12/2025 - Genehmigung des Kalenders der Unternehmensveranstaltungen für das Jahr 2026 durch den Verwaltungsrat

Investor contacts

Investor Relations

Fervi SpA

Via del Commercio, 81

41058 Vignola (MO)


Privacy | Allgemeine Verkaufsbedingungen | Sitemap
FERVI SpA - Via del Commercio 81 - 41058, Vignola (Modena) - Cap.Soc. € 2.539.250 i.v. - Reg. Imprese Mo (Italia), C.F. e P.I. 00782180368 • REA Mo 184870.